Monday, October 16, 2006

My advice for your dream, ...

Where is my dream?

I'm starting to write in English again, just to take this as a chance to improve my humble English skill Image . So all of your comments and critiques are welcome Image!


This morning, I've read a delightful article on Tuoi Tre Newspaper in "Self-story" column. It told that "If your dream is big enough, everyproblem becomes nothing". Of course I agree with this. I just want to tell you more about my opinion in this case: "To make your dream big enough, you have to sleep long enough". Is it right?

Another view in this article is: "Everything would not come to an end, if you still want to make an effort". Oh, it sounds great! I have no idea against it's meaning. But you should care for my helpful advice here: "Your dream would not come to an end, if you still want to sleep more ". It is the truth proved by... myself. Do you have any doubt?

The original:

Quote 1: "Nếu giấc mơ của bạn đủ lớn, mọi chuyện sẽ chỉ là vặt vãnh".
Quote 2: "Mọi thứ chưa kết thúc khi bạn vẫn còn muốn cố gắng".

Link to this original article: not yet existed now.

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meo con said...

i know the story you telling, at last she won a shcolarship for studying abroad... But how can i know when my dreams is big enough?... heheh

SF++ said...

Maybe it's my self-story, hic...
@meo con: when someone wakes you up, hehhe.

Gà lười said...

Sf is always sf. No comment 'coz it's soooo true! Congrats for your 2 new mottoes!

Pink Balloon said...

It's not right but it's ok! Anyway, eveyone has his self-story also, And that's sf's one, heheheh :))